Body Worlds 2

I attended ISPCon yesterday at downtown San Jose. I was very disappointed because the event was smaller than last year. I seems to get smaller every year. I will probably not attend next year.

After the show, I went to my favorite restaurant in the area, Original Joe’s. They were closed for earthquake retrofit for a few months and I almost had a withdrawal. I had their lunch special, meat-loaf. Mmmm, good. I missed that.

While I was in the downtown area, I saw that the Tech had Body Worlds 2 exhibit showing. It’s an exhibit of human bodies dissected and preserved, including whole bodies in various poses. It showed every part of the body including muscles, bones, organs and sometimes even skin.

I thought $22 was a bit steep but I figured it would be once in a life time chance so I went in. It was both fascinating and morbid. I just had lunch and I felt a bit queasy looking at all body parts. The bodies were donated and they were definitely dead. However, I found it a bit disturbing, like if the place was haunted by the dead spirits. The music and the lighting didn’t help much. Unfortunately, they would not let me take any pictures. I did find some pictures online.

I did find the whole exhibit fascinating. I was able to see things I wouldn’t normally see. Human body is just remarkable. Unless you are a medical student, exhibit like this would be the only chance to see the inside of a human body in person. Of course there are videos but in-person experience is whole lot of different from watching it on TV. I am glad I went to see it and I would highly suggest it to anyone who has chance to see it.

On October 18, 2007, posted in: Uncategorized by
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