Growing My Hair for a Charity

My hair is getting longer and I am doing it for charity. The charity is called Locks of Love, based in East Coast. Locks of Love “provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis”. I think this is a great charity and being thankful that I can grow a lot of hair, I took it as a challenge to start growing it this year.

I have grown long hair before, below is a picture of my hair when I had it very long. I think I can do it again.

They need at least 10” of lock of hair to be useful. Right now my shortest hair length is about 6” so I am about half way there. I probably will have to grow for another year to have enough to submit it. It’s right at the stage where it’s starting to bother me but I am going keep going and see how long I can get it.

On November 15, 2007, posted in: Uncategorized by
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