Cirque du Soleil – Kooza

Kooza is in town! I got my tickets way in advance and got a couple of great seats. I went with my sister and the seats were on 4th row, which is perfect because I wasn’t willing to pay $175 for the first two rows.

As usual, we weren’t allowed take pictures inside so I had to scrounge up some photos on the Internet to show.

This show was a much more subdued version of other shows. I only missed the first show, Nouvelle Expérience, which I had tickets to but had to go on a business trip. I saw all the traveling ones since then and also saw 3 of 5 permanent ones in Las Vegas. Other shows, they had a cast of hundreds, it seems. There was always something going on, whether dancers hanging from the ceiling or clowns running around or just busy traffic on stage. This one was a bit different. There were 8 acts and when they were performed, the usual distractions were missing. The acts were much more focused version of the past ones. However, the show never fails to impress me.

My favorites were the juggler, the tumblers and the circle of death, where two guys were running around inside and outside of a circular cage that rotated around.

The show ran for about 3 hours and overall it was a bit refreshing. A simpler and more focused on the act show was just what was needed to refresh the cirque line. Overall, I was impressed with the act’s scale of difficulty and entertaining value. If you have not seen it yet, get the tickets. I guarantee that you will like the show.

On February 16, 2008, posted in: Uncategorized by
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