Cousin’s Get Together

Once or twice a year, all the cousins get together and eat ourselves silly. This is Park family tradition that goes back many years. Usually it’s either at my place, Jen’s place but mostly it’s been at Jim’s place because they have more room than any of us.

This year, the amount of food was any less than in the past. OK, we are true foodies because we take pictures of our food!!! The prime rib was again the highlight of the whole event. It was absolutely delicious.  I made couple of appetizers, stuffed calamari as well as my stuffed mushroom. Both came out pretty good and was gone before the day was over.

We ate until we were stuffed and we ate more. After the eating session, we had a game of poker, Texas hold’em tournament. I am proud to say that I won the tourney, which paid for my lunch for the next week. I have won several tournaments in the recent past, small as 6 players and large as 22 players, and if I had money, I would definitely would give a thought to turning professional on poker circuit.

Then came the dessert. They turned on the chocolate fountain and we went nuts. You should see Jim’s girls going for it.

I wish we had more time to do this often. The kids are growing so fast and we have a couple more in the oven. Soon we will have more next generation then us. I look forward to that.

On June 29, 2008, posted in: Uncategorized by
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