What a weather we are having today. Sunny, warm in the 80s with no wind and 32% humidity. That’s why I live in California, despite the high taxes, more fees than most states and highest unemployment rate in the nation.
This weather beats them all, and also the steadfast, isolated liberalism, despite the national trends in the recent election. I am somewhat ambivalent about the latest election, however. Although I am leaning left on social issues, I go right on fiscal issues. My biggest worry is what California will do to stop the business unfriendly laws so we have more companies stay or come to California. The fair weather doesn’t speak to the business fiscal goals.
Business tax and other incentive for the state is a tricky issue. With the state deep in debt, how can we lower business taxes, one of the major source of revenue for the state? While usually I am not a big fan of cutting social programs, it may be one of the solutions that the state must looked at to reduce the deficit. Also, government needs to take look at the other fat it can trim, including the payroll.
I am a firm believer that technology is the future. Instead of the dodgy old industries like automobile and banking, high tech will lead us out of the recession. That means providing incentives for silicon valley companies to stay should be the focus of the state government.
All that a side, today is all about the Giants. I was thinking about attending the parade in SF, but I have to be honest, I am not the biggest Giants fan. I am a fan but I prefer the A’s on the other side of the bay. If the A’s win the next World Series, you bet I will be in Oakland, or hopefully in Santa Clara, to join in the parade. I think this one is special for the Giants since it’s been so long since their last world championship. For my beloved A’s, they went to the WS six times in my life time. I actually attended a couple games, thanks to my friend Chris who had season tickets. I hope the A’s will move down to Santa Clara and win a championship or two. Meanwhile, I probably will have better luck with the Sharks, or even the Warriors. We will see.
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